Guitar is THE instrument, and I am serious about playing it. Practising 16 hours a day if possible. In 80's I played in heavy band called SQUADRON and 1986 we won price for a "best band in area of lapland". We got lot of attention, made two singles which played on radio and finlands leading musicmagazine made article about us. Unfortunately, due to some unpleasant reasons, final breakthru never happened and eventually band split. I joined to NIGHTFLIGHT and then members kept changin rapidly...and led as to change bands name few times, until I left the band and went to study computer graphics. Without a band (using computer as a background) I was now free to play anything I wanted, and started playing difficult classical violin pieces with electric guitar. That build my already strong technique to a level, that I don't really have to worry about how "hard" something is to play anymore. Now I am searching ultimate guitar SOUND that I keep hearing in my head...or is it just my ear ringin? I am also planning to create some music with my girlfriend Marsu, and her magic voice...

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I also have a separate, purely Guitar-oriented site, and you can go there from this link or just CLICK HERE

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